Within the context of the implementation of the Resolution on School Provision for Gypsy and Traveller Children adopted on 22nd May 1989 by the Council and the Ministers of Education of the European Community, the Commission of the European Communities decided, at the proposal of the Centre de recherches tsiganes (Center for Gypsy Research) of the René Descartes University in Paris, to launch an information newsletter focused on Roma and Travellers, as a link of intense and extensive exchange of communication and cooperation between the various European countries, associations, scholars, researchers, teaching staff, inspectors, schools, families, documentalists, librarians, local, regional and national administrative services.

The Interface Newsletter was prepared, coordinated and published by the Centre de recherches tsiganes, with the support of the Commission of the European Communities (Task Force of Human Resources, Education, Training, Youth), under the direction of Professor Jean-Pierre Liégeois. The first issue was published in the first quarter of the year 1991, initially in German, French and English. The German edition stopped being published in the penultimate quarter of 1997 (issue 27).

In the first quarter of 1992, the Spanish edition of Interface was incorporated, translated and developed by the Study Team of the Asociación Nacional Presencia Gitana from Spain. The Newsletter continued its journey until the publication was interrupted, after the appearance of issue 39, in the last quarter of 2001, when it had consolidated an extensive transnational network of more than ten thousand users.

The information gathered in Interface constitutes a source of extremely valuable documentation. Editorial Presencia Gitana has recovered all the newsletters in the different languages, including the edition of the first four issues that were not published in Spanish, in order to offer the complete digitalized collection in PDF format to those interested, indexed on this web page.


To buy the Interface Newsletters, please send us an e-mail to: indicating your name, ID number, address, phone, email and preferred way of payment (Credit card , PayPal or Bank Transfer). Also, please indicate if you want the complete collection of Interface Newsletters (39 issues), or single issues (which one/s).

Once we confirm your order and we receive the payment, we will email to you the links to download the Interface Newsletters in PDF.

Price: 1,25 € each single issue // 27 € the complete collection (39 issues)

Interface nº 1.- February 1991


- Editorial 
- The genesis of a Resolution 
- The synthesis report 
- Orientation document for reflection and for action 
- Resolution of the Council and the Ministers of Education meeting within the Council of 22 May 1989 
- Exchanging insights and experience: 8 days of sharing


Interface nº 2.- May 1991


- Editorial 
- The context of community action 
- The Community's lines of action 
- Promoting exchange of experiences and of pedagogical materials 
- First European seminar in Avila 
- A report on the situation in Italy


Interface nº 3.- August 1991


- Editorial                                                                                                          
- An Ad-Hoc Group                                                                                         
- Priorities identified in June 1991 at the meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group and the Commission                                                                                         
- A Wider Angle on Gypsies and Travellers                                                     
- Community Work in Europe                                                                          
- A Meeting in the European Parliament                                                          
- Standing Conference of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe             
- CSCE: Expert Meeting on National Minorities                                              
- Document of the Copenhagen Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE


Interface nº 4.- November 1991


- Editorial
- Promoting Exchange of Experiences and Pedagogical Materials: Projects launched in 1991-1992
- Ministerial support for Scholastic Exchange (and the Commission interest)
- International Conference: "East/West: Regional and Local Policies with Regards to Gypsies"
- Dossier: The Netherlands
- Patrin: a new Magazine Published in The Netherlands for a International Audience
- The European Parliament: Resolution of the Situation of Gypsies in the Community
- Tempus: Youth Exchange Activities


Interface nº 5.- February 1992


- Networking Pilot Projects: the 22 Projects
- EC Programmes Open to Community Residents 
- Tempus Programme: More News for Eastern Europe 
- Overview of Community Action, 1991-1992 
- Overview: Action Launched Under the 1991 Budget 
- Netherlands File (Part II) 
- Spanish-Language Edition of Interface 
- International Romani Union Newsletter 
- UN Commission on Human Rights
- Gypsy Organisation Awarded Human Rights Prize
- Members of the Ad-Hoc Group


Interface nº 6.- May 1992


- Editorial 
- Lastest meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group 
- Exchange programmes: new appeal for project proposals 
- Pedagogical material: the 10 selected projects 
- Information file: Portugal 
- Gypsy teachers meet in the UK 
- "Poverty 3" Programme 
- Interface: For your reference 
- The Interface questionnaire                                

Interface nº 7.- August 1992


- Editorial
- Appeal for Project Proposals
- Launch of Working Group on Gypsy and Travellers History
- Information File: United Kingdom
- Document: The Poole Seminar
- Interface: Developing Information
- Document: The Ostia Conference
- Brussels Hearing on the Situation of Gypsies and Travellers in Europe                               

Interface nº 8.- November 1992


- Editorial
- Fourth Meeting of the Ad-Hoc Group
- Research and Action Group on Romani Linguistics
- Standardising Romanes: A Historical Overview
- Meeting: A Seminar in Greece
- Information File: United Kingdom, Part II
- The Importance of the Burwell Conference
- United Kingdom: Three Pilot Projects
- France: "Travelling People" Postage Stamp Issued
- 1991 Hearing Organised by the Council of Europe                               

Interface nº 9.- February 1993


- Editorial
- Research and Action Group on Romani Linguistics
- A Publication in Caló
- Information File: Denmark
- Theme: Distance Learning
- Document: A Report on Distance Learning                               

Interface nº 10.- May 1993


- Editorial
- Theme: Distance Learning (Part II)
- Meeting: Brighton, April 1993
- Inter-Team Exchange: 8 Projects 1992-1993
- Information File: United Kingdom, Part III (Scotland)
- Scotland: 7 Projects Descriptions
- The Edinburgh Summit
- Ad Hoc Group Meeting, March 1993
- The Gypsy Language: Right of Reply/Contribution to the Debate                              

Interface nº 11.- August 1993


- Editorial
- Appeal for Project Proposals
- Productions for School Use: The Next 13
- Information File: Belgium, Part I (Flanders)
- Some Pilot Projects in Flanders
- Action-research and Coordination: A Document
- Innovation: An Award Scheme for Traveller Accommodation
- Text: Recommendation of The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
- Members of the Ad Hoc Group                                 

Interface nº 12.- November 1993


- Editorial
- Interface: The Collection
- A European Gypsy History
- Romani Linguistics
- Reference Works
- Innovation: Launching Competitions
- Information File: Belgium, Part II (French - speaking Community)
- The Working Group on School Provision
- Italy: Two Documents
- Text: The Treaty on European Union
- Members of the Ad Hoc Group                              

Interface nº 13.- February 1994


- Editorial
- 22 Pilot Projects, 1992-1993
- First book in the Interface Collection
- Information File: Greece
- Network: Distance Learning
- Text: Local and Regional Authorities
- Members of the Ad Hoc Group                              

Interface nº 14.- May 1994


- Editorial
- 25 Pilot Projects, 1993-1994
- Romnews: Rapid Information by Fax
- Patrin: A New Issue
- The Great Gypsy Round-Up: the Book, the Author, the Publisher
- The Rukun Series for Children: Rukun Goes to School
- Launching the Interface Collection in Spain
- Text: The European Parliament and Minorities
- Members of the Ad Hoc Group                               

Interface nº 15.- August 1994


- Editorial
- Promoting exchange: extending the action
- Promoting exchange: projects for 1993-1994
- From India to the Mediterranean: the book and the author
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder
- Information file: Germany
- Document: Encounter and Mutual Understanding
- Meeting: the Seville Congress
- Members of the Ad-Hoc Group
- Text: the Vienna Summit and minorities                               

Interface nº 16.- November 1994


- Editorial
- The Romani Summer School: a tradition
- 1993: language, journalism, law, communication
- 1994: training for publication
- The Gypsy language in Romanian schools
- Where is Rukun?- a book for the very young
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder
- Information file: Germany (Part II)
- Gypsy culture in the Tarnów museum
- Urgent: training courses
- Members of the Ad-Hoc Group                             

Interface nº 17.- February 1995


- Editorial
- European Union: the new configuration
- Theme: Gypsy mediators
- Gypsy dynamics as the baseline
- A European enquiry
- Training mediators: ANTEPS
- The Gypsy Confederal Movement and training for mediation
- Portuguese bibliography
- Official launch of the Interface Collection in France
- Developing the European Gypsy partnership
- International "Amico Rom" Competition
- Publications
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder                     

Interface nº 18.- May 1995


- Editorial
- The Socrates Programme
- Members of the Ad Hoc Group
- Texts issued by international institutions
- Information file: France 9
- Athens meeting: teaching materials
- OSCE "Contact Point" for Gypsies
- Arion: study visits
- Project in the field of history
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder                                

Interface nº 19.- August 1995


- Editorial
- Socrates: instructions for use
- Comenius: deadline approaching
- Comenius: national agencies
- Rukun's Big Book of Words
- Information file: Spain
- Council of Europe: information
- Publications
- European Parliament: a Resolution
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder                           

Interface nº 20.- November 1995


- Editorial
- Contacts: a database
- Socrates: update
- Comenius: national agencies
- European Gypsy history
- Gitanos and Flamenco: a new book
- Information file: Spain (Part II)
- Council of Europe: information
- Roma basketry museum in Greece
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder                          

Interface nº 21.- February 1996


- Editorial
- Socrates: update
- Comenius: national agencies
- Teaching Roma in Europe
- A new book: public power and the Gypsies of England
- UK launch of the Interface Collection
- Tolerance and understanding through education
- University of Hertfordshire Press
- Council of Europe: information
- Spain: a new decree on education
- Prizes: Spain, United Kingdom, Jacques Delors
- Framework Convention for the protection of national minorities
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder

Interface nº 22.- May 1996


- Editorial
- Romani dictionaries: an overview
- Romathan Theatre, Slovakia
- Information file: Italy
- Gypsy mediators, an Italian pilot project 13
- Distance learning pilot project
- Council of Europe: information
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder
- Romnet: Roma on the Internet                               

Interface nº 23.- August 1996


- Editorial
- "I am an Auschwitz Deutscher"
- History: an author's words
- New book: Gypsies under the Swastika
- Towards a Gypsy Encyclopaedia
- Romani dictionaries: an overview (Part II)
- Museum of Gypsy Culture, Brno
- Council of Europe: information
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder
- INSERT: TOWARDS AN ENCYCLOPAEDIA                           

Interface nº 24.- November 1996


- Editorial
- Gypsy women
- Andalusia: a manifesto
- Ireland: an encounter
- Strasbourg: a Hearing
- Bibaxtale Bersá: the book of the Holocaust
- Information file: Ireland
- Innovation: training courses for young Gypsy experts                              

Interface nº 25.- February 1997


- Food for thought
- Comenius: the projects
- National Agencies for Comenius
- Projects supported: 1995 and early 1996 selections, Part I
- Gypsy women (Part II)
- Seminar for Gypsy women - Budapest, September 1996
- Romani dictionaries: an overview (Part III)
- Documentary database
- Australian Gypsies
- Interface Collection titles: a reminder                               

Interface nº 26.- May 1997


- Food for thought
- Comenius: 95/96 projects, Part II
- National Agencies for Comenius
- History of the Gypsies in Italy
- Seminar for Gypsy women - Budapest (Part II)
- Some publications on Gypsy women
- Report on the implementation of the Resolution of the Ministers
- Encyclopaedia project - a reminder
- Interface Collection titles

Interface nº 27.- August 1997


- Food for thought
- Comenius: 95/96 projects, Part III
- National Agencies for Comenius
- Developing the Interface Collection
- Gypsies Under the Swastika: a new preface
- Information file: the Netherlands (part I)
- Document: Greek symposium on teaching materials
- Texts: the "Brussels Declaration"
- Interface Collection titles

Interface nº 28.- November 1997


- Food for thought
- Romano-Caló dictionaries, Part I
- Gypsies during the Second World War
- From "Rare Science" to the Camps
- Information file: the Netherlands (Part II)
- A compendium report
- American Roma: a hidden Gypsy world
- Interface Collection titles - a reminder                               

Interface nº 29.- February 1998


- Food for thought
- Comenius Action 2: the projects
- National Agencies for Comenius
- Launch of the Interface Collection in Italy
- The Collection and the European Year Against Racism
- Information file: Luxembourg
- Dictionaries and studies of Romano-Caló
- "Amico Rom" International Arts Competition
- Disseminating information: a priority
- Titles in the Interface Collection - a reminder                                 

Interface nº 30.- May 1998


- Food for thought
- Comenius Action 2: the projects (conclusion)
- National Agencies for Comenius
- The Interface Collection: a teachers' guide for Italy
- The Collection: new titles
- Information file: United Kingdom
- A video promoting secondary schooling
- Dictionaries and studies of Romano-Caló (conclusion)
- "Getting Your Place in School": video and booklet
- A Romani-language publication for children

Interface nº 31.- August 1998


- Food for thought
- News from the Baltic
- Wir sprechen viele Sprachen
- School Provision for Gypsy and Traveller Children: The Gypsy Paradigm
- Preface by Domenico Lenarduzzi
- A book of analysis and proposals
- Developing the Interface Collection
- The dialect structure of the Romani language
- The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
- Writing the language                                

Interface nº 32.- November 1998


- Food for thought
- Anti-racism projects
- Launching the Interface Collection in Germany
- Parabolis Publications
- Sinti and Roma in Berlin
- Developing the Interface Collection
- Information file: Austria
- Theme: The legal situation and treatment of Roma in Europe
- Legal experts' meeting
- Respect for human rights: what does it mean for Roma?                                

Interface nº 33.- February 1999


- Food for thought
- Comenius Action 2 Projects
- National Agencies for Comenius Action 2
- Portrait gallery
- The Interface Collection: a booklet in Hungarian
- The Interface Collection: latest publications
- "On the camera as a link between worlds"
- Theme: legal issues, the European Roma Rights Center
- The right to education
- Legal expert' meeting
- Conclusions of the Youth Seminar education workshop                            

Interface nº 34.- May 1999


- Food for thought
- The Phare/LIEN Programme: projects supported
- A note to our readers
- The Interface Collection: titles dealing with the Second World War
- A new volume: In the Shadow of the Swastika
- Information file: Germany
- Networks: the Romeurope Project
- Legal information about Holocaust compensation
- Twenty years of the Gypsy Research Centre                              

Interface nº 35.- August 1999


- Food for thought
- Minority language projects
- Training projects
- The Interface Collection: a book for learning the language
- Information file: Finland
- Additional information: Germany
- Personal testimony: "Experience. What's it for?"
- The European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI)
- Combating racism and intolerance against Roma/Gypsies
- Minorities and minority languages: a reminder                                 

Interface nº 36.- Winter 1999


- Food for thought
- Sylvia Dunn, UK Woman of the Year
- The Interface Collection: official launch in Portugal
- Despair, culture and resistance
- Presentation by the Portuguese High Commissioner for Minorities
- Europe Mocks Racism: Volume 20 of the Collection
- Finland, Part II: The Consultative Committee for Romani Affairs
- The Romani language in Finland
- Strategies of the Policy on Roma 2000
- Baltic Romá                                

Interface nº 37.- Spring 2000


- Food for thought
- The Interface Collection: deporting Gypsies
- Introduction to the Portuguese edition
- Interface Collection publisher honoured
- Information file: the situation in Portugal
- Gypsy equality and integration
- Strategic elements of education policy
- Text: Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe                               

Interface nº 38.- Autumn 2000


- Food for thought
- Comenius projects 1999 (part I)
- The Interface Collection: Frankfurt Book Fair
- Developing the Collection
- Information file: the situation in Portugal (part II)
- Innovation: international Amico Rom competition
- Roma in the Soviet Union, 1921 - 1928
- Romen, Moscow's Gypsy theatre                            

Interface nº 39.- Spring 2001


- Food for thought
- Comenius projects (part 2)
- The Interface Collection: a life story
- Ilona Lacková: my life as a Slovak Gypsy woman
- A few pages from the book
- Information file: France- the context
- Documents
- Teaching Romani in school: what material is available?
- List of ABC books in Romani

